Introspective Family Therapy | Chicago Family Therapists

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Announcing our new sister practice SOL

This announcement comes at a time when the necessity of mental health awareness is dire and in our faces.  Mental health is a part of everyone's wellbeing. No more is this a hidden, shameful, thing we struggle with in isolation. We must share our journey to help others heal their pain. This is our duty. This is my intention with our new practice.

Announcing the opening of Introspective's new sister practice

Today I am thrilled to announce the opening of SOL Wellness, Healing and Education: Introspective’s new sister in healing in the colorful and art-filled Lacuna Lofts building, located in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago.

For years I have dreamt of opening a healing space that is vibrant, creative and energetic which compliments the quiet and deeply contemplative and reflective energy of it's sister practice Introspective Family Therapy.  At SOL, we approach therapy in a new way. We see healing and wellness as a practice and a way of life that you can feel proud about and share with others.

SOL Wellness is about:

  • Everyday wellness: At SOL we believe caring for your mind,body, and spirit is essential to everyday wellness. We approach everyday wellness by having you be an active role in your mental health and wellbeing. By offering lunch time meditations, yoga-inspired 1:1 sessions and more, we make it easy to integrate within your everyday wellness routine 

  • Fostering connection:  At SOL we believe that we thrive when we connect with ourselves, with each other and our experiences. This philosophy is integrated within all experiences at SOL. From the class offerings to our mind/body/spirit services, we unleash the healing power of connection.

  • Radiating warmth: Unlike most talk therapy environments which are cold and clinical, SOL radiates warmth. Nestled in the eclectic Lacuna Lofts of Pilsen, SOL has a vibrant and creative atmosphere that leave our participants feeling energized and inspired.

Alongside our core services, SOL offers alternative therapies such as: Mindfulness/Meditation therapy, Energy healing, and Somatic Healing. These approaches to healing can often break through patterns that go right to the root cause of our imbalances, giving us a way to access ourselves that straight talk therapy often does not. 

The process of opening Sol, has been truly magical. It started with a chance meeting and the opportunity to collaborate, bring culture together and make dreams come true. With two amazing individuals by my side: Yvette Camacho and Katelyn Corrigan, and a huge team of people supporting us and cheering us on, we have been able to build what I think is an inspirational place for everyone.

Thank you for being someone I want to share this dream with. It is because of you that I aspire to heal bigger, dream bigger and live bigger myself!

With Gratitude-
Anviksha Kalscheur LMFT

Please come by and feel the energy for yourself. We are offering a introductory free lunchtime meditation session to new participants on Thursday's from 12:15pm-12:45pm starting October 25th. Please email us to RSVP for the date you would like to attend.

SOL Wellness, Healing and Education
Lacuna Lofts Building
2150 S. Canalport Ave Suite 4C-13
Chicago, IL 60608

visit SOL online